
take my breath away


3 Years
03-25-2014, 01:20 AM
He thought more in English than French nowadays, simply because it was what he heard - what he had started to understand as well as he did French from his younger days beside his mother. No longer did he struggle to understand feelings in both languages, it was only the feelings themselves that tripped up the apethetic creature. And yet when it came to his kin it seemed that his apethy was replaced with more than he could properly understand. Staring at his sister for the first time in what felt like forever and that he simply knew as a time frame of too long, he would struggle not to gasp, to jump at every word that came out of her mouth. That voice was so painfully familiar to him, but he had never heard Silana speak before today... but it didn't matter, this was Silana, his sweet sister was speaking to him - it was a moment that he would remember for the rest of his life. Her whisper elicted something sharp and warm from within him - joy? Despite her not looking pleased with the words, he was proud of her, and felt he understood. The two of them would never be apart forever, she knew that, he should never have let himself forget.

As to where she had been, she had lingered in this very area. The submerged woods that they had met before - he never thought to return here, how had he missed this place! He had scoured the north while staying in Amenti, wandering listelessly, aimlessly, hoping that her scent would caress his senses. He was so sorry, for missing her, for not coming here - because he should have known, he should have understood that "Je suis d?sol?. Je suis venu ici en premier. Je suis venu ici en premier. Vous l'attendiez pour moi. He would not let such a thing happen again, he would wait here for her, knowing that she would show from here on. "Ne vous excusez pas." He would tell her once she approached him, moving to meet her half way. He would move his head to wrap as well as it could around her neck - a hug. He had missed her - when she was near what was frayed about the pieces that fit him together seemed to stick a little more firmly. "Tu m'as manqu? aussi."

She would speak again, her final sentence before she quieted for a moment - and he would breath in her scent before replying. "Je te cherchais." He would answer her question, still in shock at the smooth tones of her voice. When she spoke in their mother tongue, he would immediately realize exactly why her voice seemed so familiar to him. Memories of their mother would linger in the back of his subconsciousness, and the voice that he had forgotten in the angelic creature from his past - seemed to have found their way to Silana. "J'ai fait un ami. Je pense que vous devriez rencontrer deux." Friend didn't seem to cover what Sibelle meant to him - but he would save that pondering for a different moment. Imagining the two of them talking seemed almost too much - they were both his world, and there was always the chance that two worlds colliding would create a very good end result. Aeron didn't seem to see the issue with it though - they had accepted him, he was sure that they would accept each other.