
The Call



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2014, 02:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2014, 02:33 PM by Epiphron.)

Once, albeit so very briefly, she had envied her sister. Now, all she felt was warm adoration and pride as she gazed upon her sister's face. She still admired her so strongly -- she'd exercised more courage than Epiphron could ever dream of. She could hardly imagine how proud their father would be if he could see Chrysanthe now. As she gazed upon her sister's face, she could not help but consider how their markings were so opposite, as if they would be a perfect creature if only they'd been born as one. It was entertaining, but not far from the truth for her. Chrysanthe would always be her equal, and she'd yet to find anyone she respected so thoroughly.

The girl beside Chrysanthe seemed almost awed at her presence, and under her breath she said something. Epiphron caught one word -- beautiful -- and she smiled gently to the girl. She introduced the two girls as Syrinx's daughters. She nearly laughed as she gazed at them. One of them looked particularly unimpressed; she wondered if the girl noticed just how much her demeanor mirrored her father's. Slowly she dipped her head to each of them in turn. "Nieces," she spoke sweetly. "I never thought Syrinx could make such beautiful children." A toothy smile was offered and she leaned to nudge Chrysanthe lightly.

The next to be introduced was Odette. Her daughter? A curious brow was lifted, but she figured out the situation as quickly as she had begun to question it. Not a child by blood, but an adopted one. It seemed so common among the Adravendis, and it did not surprise her that Chrysanthe had taken in a child of her own -- albeit an older one. Though adoption was common in her family, the Adravendi name was not at all given out freely, and knowing that her sister had taken in Odette as family meant something powerful even if she did not know her yet.

The absence of her own children wouldn't be ignored, as she ought to have expected. A gentle sigh escaped pursed lips, tail flicking anxiously behind her. "I don't know where all of them are," she explained carefully. It wasn't as though they were pups, wandering alone and defenseless. They could all care for themselves, yet she couldn't help but feel guilty that none had chosen to stay with her. "Maverick and I chose to leave Seracia. None of our children followed. We've taken refuge in a newer pack, Ebony, led by a woman named Raisa. " It had been painful, but she'd made a decision and her children had made theirs.