

Eirik I


3 Years
03-25-2014, 06:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed his defiance had at last touched a nerve, even though it had not been his intent. Just as stubbornly as he refused to let her see how frightened she had made him, she refused to leave him be, refused to drop the question she had originally posed to him. He had nearly forgotten the insignificant inquiry in the face of this creature entirely capable of ripping him to pieces with a swipe of a paw and a quick snap of practiced jaws, most importantly because she had managed to sneak up on him and quite literally hold him hostage. What did it matter that he had been tracking her scent without realizing it would lead to her? Did she honestly think he was fool enough to take on a grown leopard at his young age? Did she think a pup following her could possibly be dangerous?

"I didn't know!" he cried out, the suddenness of his outburst drawing some of his fear into his words and giving voice to it despite how well he had been doing in keeping it hidden. But the situation was progressing somewhere that he did not want it to go. He had been too long in this cat's company, and the longer he stayed the more the danger seemed to grow. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep a level head let alone maintain an outward show of bravery. "I didn't know I was following you. I just found a weird smell." The brazen posture he had been keeping slowly began to crumple as he spoke, his ears folding back as he backed away from the cat and into the paw that still wrapped around him as if to urge her to release him yet again as much as it was to keep himself away from her sharp fangs. If I'd known, I'd've run.

image by Luisiana