
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-27-2013, 11:05 PM
Collision? What was he doing here? Chrysanthe figured that between being a new father and looking out for Valhalla's innermost borders, that he had enough to do. Yet she heard her brother howl here, and her steps quickly fell into a run as she hurried to see what the alpha was up to. He was challenging for someone, a female who she wasn't familiar with. Chrysanthe eyed the woman from across the battlegrounds, her blue eyes skimming over her figure before once again falling to her eldest brother. "Get 'em Collision." She spoke quietly, moments before who she assumed was Tortuga's alpha appeared. He wasn't nearly as large as she thought that he would be - and carried himself not as a force to be reckoned with, but something quiet, blunt and arrogant. Not entirely dissapointing, but different than the big bad that Chrysanthe had invisioned within her own mind.

He wouldn't fight her brother, and she nearly snickered. Of course he wouldn't - Collision would have ripped him apart! Any king that wasn't willing to defend his honor as well as his subjects - even if it was only to punish them for daring to betray them afterward - wasn't a king in the young beta's eyes at all. It all seemed rather lazy to her. If this wasn't something that was worth his time, then what on earth was? She frowned at him, not really caring all too much to stay - but Collision said something that perked her interest before she could leave.

Neo - he had gone missing - Cairo had spoken to the family about it before. Had he really run to Tortuga? At first the guilt hit her, like a tidal wave - she had been... it was her fault that Neo was gone. Yet he made no effort to make himself a part of this family either. He was just as responsible for his departure, all he did was demonize her, and quite possibly his whole family. She would take some of the blame, but she would not see him as a victim - because he wasn't. He had made the choice to betray them, and... Chrysanthe would not forgive him for that. Perhaps one day she would apologize for her callous teasing - but leaving their family behind wasn't something that the female would take lightly.

"Neo..." She whispered, the feeling within her voice conflicted.

At least now she knew where to find him, should she ever need him. Besides, it wasn't as if she didn't know others in Tortuga - she wondered whether they knew though, that their alpha was as pathetic as he was. Demonio seemed like a man of honor, would he be disappointed to see their alpha here as he was? And Tikaani, how was she - how could she and her mother feel protected beneath one so utterly lazy... with a sigh she rested her eyes back on the males in the clearing, wondering how Tortuga's leader would respond to her brother's fiery insults.