
Don't Slow Me Down


03-25-2014, 06:54 PM
ooc: totally forgot Zaria is younger XD 1 year this winter. We can just have Cat tell her someone else her age, Ill edit my post.

The girl would understand and agree. She had zero experience. She was a blank slate. A perfect place to start, but that also meant that she was nearly defenseless. The girl may not like hearing it, but its true. "Well, then you shall training with others your age immediately. With no experience, you are defenseless, a weak link within the pack." She meant no cruelty, only spoke the truth, and her Apprentice had better see that.

"Zaria is smaller, a few months younger than you, but theres no harm in practically for the both of you." The girl would rise as she spoke, as though she expected a fight now. A wry grin would play on her face. Her crown would tip back, a summoning howl for her daughter filling the air.

Zaria was nearly 7 months, rapidly growing to her full height, she would undoubtedly be large like her both her parents. Narfi would have size on her daughter, but neither had experience. It would be an interesting match, one she knew her daughter would not turn away from.