
New Day in a New Land


03-25-2014, 07:23 PM
Lani stepped warily over the terrain. She was in a strange place and unsure of where she was going. Hell, she didn't even know far she had gone. There was a lot of travelling involved and part of it had included water, but she hardly remembered anything. It was as if she had been on autopilot. Going through the motions but no one was home. She was tired. Physically and mentally. She wasn't going anywhere near the emotionally part.

Sighing, she turned her tired eyes to the land around her. She wasn't even sure where to go. Hell, she didn't even know what she was going to do. Why the hell did you leave? She silenced the thought, and continued on. Finally it was too much. She needed a rest. Moving to the base of a small tree, she flopped onto the ground, panting. The heat was unbearable. The sun was high and beat down on her black coat relentlessly, causing to gleam blue under its rays. Maybe she could just spend the day resting. It would be insane to continue to travel during the day, when it was hottest. She would have to start moving during the night. She sighed in relief, letting her toes relax and her sore feet rest. Her muscles melted to the ground as she stretched out on her side. A little rest wouldn't hurt anyone.