
New Day in a New Land


4 Years
03-25-2014, 07:57 PM
She hadn't been able to sleep for quite some time now. It was hard for her to tell when she was tired and when she wasn't, because when her eyelids opened all she saw was darkness. The only indication that it was day time was the heavy sun beating against her back as she walked through the new territories. Luckily, as of yet, she had not run into any unwelcome territories that she found herself getting chased out of. The Hervok had enough sense though and didn't mind moving away from pack lands. She did not wish for them to see her as intruding on their land, when really all she was going was trying to find a place to rest.

She was relieved when her back was covered in the shade, by either a tree or cloud, she didn't know...she was just grateful that nature had been kind to her and sheltered her from the terrorizing elements of the sun. Her tail flicked behind her slightly and the unseeing wolfess inhaled deeply, stopping in her tracks when she scented the presence of an unknown wolf. Unsure if the wolf was near her or not, the silver woman scraped one of her paws gently against the gravely ground, hoping that if another wolf was around, they would be alert enough to sense that she was near. Perhaps some company and allies in a new place wouldn't be too bad.