
Make Me



5 Years
03-25-2014, 08:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Two healers. That was more than she could ever remember being around, at least according to her recollection. She had never really been one to socialize in either of the three packs she had been part of, and none of her family had had much to do with the craft either. Her siblings had been about their own business and her parents had been caught up in the politics that kept their homes stable up until the point they each disappeared, one after the other. All knowledge that she had been able to hoard had been done on her own, through the meetings of individuals outside of her packs and unknown to her, drawn to them by their knowledge and her keen nose for finding useful herbs. Here was an opportunity to further what she knew, to train under someone who she would not only meet with once and then never see again. This was much more than she had expected.

For the first time during their conversation, Callisto was finally giving thought to the real possibility of joining this pack named Ebony. She cared nothing for the pack's dynamics, for the overall alignment that it might have possessed. The fact she would be learning the trade that she had long ago set upon for herself was more than enough to solidify her decision.

She said nothing right away though she was already convinced, merely watched the wolf with a quizzical, analyzing stare as she made the final deliberations and what the change would mean for her. No longer would her time be her own, as it had been during her travels and within the previous packs ruled by her parents. She would need to submit to a new leader, actively do things to progress the future of the pack. She would have to put the good of everyone before herself. It irked her, to put it simply. She was naturally a disagreeable, selfish thing, but how could she possibly turn away this opportunity? What was a little pretending to play nice when it meant she got to learn more of what she wished? "How soon can I begin training?" she asked, hoping he understood that her question meant she accepted the offer he had extended toward her. She would join Ebony, and she would learn everything she could from their present healers about the healing craft so long as it suited her to do so.

Image by Maka.