
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-28-2013, 12:22 AM

He skulked onto the scene rather bored and unimpressed, weaving idly through the fallen stones as he searched for a corpse he could scavenge off of. He looked to the sky, searching for carrion birds but found none in the dismal sky. Not yet anyway. It was by luck that he caught the scent of wolves on the battle field, a wide grin breaking his somber features. He trotted happily toward the scene just in time to hear Kaien deny Collision his obvious bloodlust. He had no preference for Kaien as a leader, all he wanted was a pack that would tolerate his sudden disappearances and brief appearances, usually involving him and someone else's blood. Still. It was unbecoming for the leader of his pack to show such cowardice. unfortunately being a rogue was hardly an option for someone as small and slender as he was. Grinner knew only two things: Luxary and blood. He adored both and saw no reason to sacrifice them because the leader had no backbone. He sprawled out over a flat boulder and yawned. "Come now Kaien. Surely something about him makes your blood boil." He sang, head resting on a raised paw. "If you win I'll gladly take the girl." His grin widened at the thought. A new toy to keep him occupied. ""Or are you afraid you'll lose? He turned over onto his back at that, brushing his tongue over his nose.
