
That Place in Your Heart



10 Years
03-26-2014, 04:10 AM

Memories plagued Odette the day she chose to return to the Cove. After reuniting with her siblings, she had pondered what she meant to do in life. She had been adopted by Chrysanthe and was now a rising Gamma in the ranks. Her Adravendi family was the best that she could ever ask for, but she felt a piece of her missing. That missing puzzle piece was what brought her back to the Cove. She needed her blood family, too.
Simply being brought back to her littermates wasn't enough. Odette would have loved to scoop up her brother and sister and take them with her back to Valhalla. However, something seemed to keep her from doing it because they had seemed to establish a life with their Rogue band. Then, there was the wild cousin she had met a season or two ago and that hadn't boded over well. Odette knew she had been a stick in the mud upon meeting Taske, but it wasn't like she was used to her. Perhaps, if they ran into each other again, it would be different.
Her mind was filled with 'If' situations, but they did her no good. She tried to halt the never ending thoughts that ran through her head as she stood on top of a tall grass dune that rose higher than the surrounding beach. Her gaze looked out to the ocean and for the first time in a long time, she saw her father and mother. They were only mental pictures, but that didn't stop her from feeling the familiar ache in her chest. "Mama...Papa..." The words were soft and dripped from her mouth like the tears that leaked from her bright bi-colored orbs.
The yearling remained standing as she raised her head in a sad howl. It was a cry meant for no one, just for her to release the tension and pain that was curled around her heart. The alto notes that rang through the air didn't travel far, she was sure, and finally, they faded into silence. Odette lowered her head and wiped the tears from her face with a forepaw. She sniffed and shook her head, making the wet fur stand on end. Mama and Papa -- and now Chrysanthe -- would not want her to weep. Even though she craved the family she couldn't have from her puppyhood, she knew the one she had now was just as precious and important.

"You" Think


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