
The Call



3 Years
Extra large
03-26-2014, 04:56 AM

Kismet had been wandering, there were so many pups in Glaciem he'd realised it was surely impossible to monitor them all, particularly two children that didn't belong there in the first place. He planned to work his way back to Valhalla in time, though it would be slow progress and until that point he wished to learn a little more about the lands around him. For that reason he'd been closer upon hearing the howl he recognised so well; his Great Aunt Chrysanthe. At that realisation, a smile had formed upon his features for the first time in a while and he fought the urge to rush straight towards her call. He wasn't sure after all whether Soren had heard the sound, further North than he was at this moment.

He retraced his steps, though didn't venture all the way, just enough that Soren would hear his call. He wasn't going to waste the journey if his brother for whatever reason didn't want to come, he hadn't really ever been the most adventurous after all. Letting out a call of his own to inform his brother of their aunt's howl, Kismet had then raced back towards the South in the direction of the sound. A meeting for the Adravendi family; his mother might be there.

He arrived to be disappointed though, there was no sign of Azalea though the young boy still rushed towards his female he knew to be his Great Aunt. He hadn't exactly been overly close to her, she had been busy with the pack and he exploring what had once been his island home. Even so, family certainly meant a lot to the Adravendi boy and there were no words as he simply pressed himself against her, nuzzling the woman in greeting. This was indeed all real and he was incredibly glad to once more be in the company of family. Gaining control of himself, the Kismet would withdraw from his affectionate greeting, asking the question he was dying to know the answer to; "Is my mum coming?"