
A Matter of Necessity


03-26-2014, 08:39 AM

Soon after she had voiced her question another wolf would arrive, stating that the others would be along soon enough and giving a small introduction. "I'm Isi." The girl responded in her usual bubbly tone, the concern of being the only wolf present having passed now. It wouldn't have really mattered anyway, but she had certainly expected there to be far more wolves in a pack, Old Ebony of course had many more.

Sure enough, the other wolves of the pack had begun to show up, though still a rather small number in comparison to what she had originally been expecting. Raisa was apparently satisfied with the number before her though and began her meeting. Indeed it was rather obvious that the Queen was pregnant, though it hadn't exactly registered fully within the girl's mind. There would be puppies! Her face lit up a little at the thought, she had a soft spot for children, perhaps because they found her less irritating than the adults of the pack often did and instead thought her rather fun most of the time.

The talk of the tournament and challenges for different areas of expertise wasn't quite so thrilling for Isidora however. The girl didn't exactly flourish in any particular area, in fact her skills were rather minimal. She could hunt, though she certainly wasn't the best at it and as for fighting and healing, well it was definitely best not to count on her to save you. Hopefully Raisa wouldn't demand they made her proud, as she really wasn't sure she'd do much good. Raisa was pretty cool though, certainly much better than the Azarovs.