



8 Years
03-26-2014, 09:21 AM
The man had been on a herb hunt when Lady Raisa called him. As of late he had been keeping two trillium plants with him at all times as the queen was pregnant and he didn't intend on waisting precious time running back to his den to retreave it. At this point he had several herbal plans held gently between his teeth.

The urgency in Raisa's call drew him quickly from his hunt. In a sprint he made his way to her, though he was very calm and collected the unknown scents at the boader with his queen made him move even faster. The summer heat was beating down and missersble. A birth out in the open would be extremely uncomfortable for the mother. He could only hope that Raisa wasn't haveing her children out in the open.

An unused den surrounded wolves was not exactly what he'd wanted to see. The den gave a sense of releaf however the wolves that surrounded it gave way to worry. He could not panic, not now. He shoved through the crowd and into the den where the scent of laborious smacked him in the face.

As soon as he saw that it was not his queen who was in labor he was greatful and his fear for her lowered. The fact that Elsa was there was good. Immediately he sad the herbs down and dug out one of the trillium plants and placed it infringe of the woman giving birth. He did not know this woman but with the way Raisa was acting, he knew she was someone Raisa cared for deeply.

"Eat this my lady, it will help to ease your pain, I cannot give you more than this and it will not take away all of the pain but it will make it more barrible." his voice was deep but it held confidence and a calming tone that the mother needed to hear.

He would turn to Elsa and his blue eyes would be that of a friend "Elsa my dearfriend, I do not. wish to send you away but I need anything you might have to help the pupsif there are any problems, I wish to be prepared for anything." he would then turn to Raisa "My lady, I need for you to remain calm. As you havethe commanding rank here. I need you to ensure that this mother to be has her space, we need not panick her she must be as calm as possible or oissues could occure."

Maximous could not command her to do anything, he would only hope that she would do as he asked.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)