
myths of the vagabond heart


03-26-2014, 12:00 PM
The night around her would wrap around her form, a welcoming calm washing over her figure. The world around her was so beautiful, even if she was viewing it alone. Part of her wondered about her family, if they still lived in their windy home. She did miss it from time to time... How the wind would howl, lulling her into a sleep almost as if it was a lullaby. The voices of nature were part of her, and Ellis loved each and every one. Teal-green orbs would lift skyward, looking to the stars as if she was seeking answers.

Then a stranger?s voice would be heard, and the young woman would turn her gaze in his direction. He bore a coat of gold, with a rather unique marking upon his forehead. He was older, too, and there was a scent about him that was certainly one she was familiar with. The scent of herbs. Ellis would dip her head in greeting, a small smile gracing her lips as she looked upon this man.

?A good night to you, my friend.? She would lift her head again, her orbs burning with curiosity as she looked upon him. She had thought she was alone, and yet her song would bring forth the presence of another. Perhaps fate would have it that she might have company, at least for a little while, tonight. ?You carry the scent of herbs on you. Would it be wrong of me to assume that you are a healer?? The words were spoken kindly, and showed her wonder of such a thing. If he was indeed a healer then perhaps she could learn something new tonight, and, just maybe, make a new friend.