
We Must Do What We Can


03-26-2014, 12:06 PM

Destruction would only continue to smile as Silent spoke. ?That is completely fine, Silent, and the words you speak are certainly true.? Encounters with strangers could be both good and bad, and lead to things that were wonderful or terrible. You could meet friends, enemies, even a mate outside of pack lands... And what would become of the encounter could all depend on the wolf who responded to it after all. The female thought back to her encounter with Aiden, certain she would meet him again, though she wondered what it might bring.

The woman would give a nod of thanks as Silent said she was welcome to attend. ?Thank you Silent. That is appreciated.? She would look out across the lands, tail curling around her body. ?If you ever need anything, or wish to speak to me about something you are welcome to do so, alright?? The dark woman would look back to Silent, her gaze soft. ?You can begin teaching lessons when you are ready. For now, however, I?m afraid that I must tend to some other things, unless there is something more you wish to ask of or tell me.?


{{Ooc:: End thread? Unless you have something else you need to say. ^^}}