
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-28-2013, 07:22 AM

Orange eyes flickered to the traitor. Valhalla would soon learn that she would switch her loyalties once more to another pack once she was fed up with him. Her lust wouldn't be sated. She'd tire of them, grow weary of their ways, and leave them just as she was leaving Tortuga. That was why he was content with letting her leave.

"We are neutral, just as Nnoitra wished. I never claimed there was any honor in my pack, now did I?"

He kept his voice calm and collected. It was hard keeping a level head when in reality he just wanted to rip into all of them. Eyes flickered back to the Valhallan Alpha and an eyebrow cocked itself upwards and an amused smirk pulled at the corners of his lips. Comparing him to Nnoitra now? How low. He wasn't Nnoitra, never would be, they had different ways of thinking, different styles. If anyone had a problem with how he led his pack then they could just get over it. And Neo? well if the boy ever tried he'd be sure to kill him. There would be no mercy. Luce would die as well.

"Spit out whatever petty insults you want. You may be right, Neo may fight for what he wants. But I believe you must be deaf. Did you not hear me say I do not want the female? Well let me say it again. I. Don't. Want. Her. Do what her as you wish. Now if it was any of my other pack mates that you were trying to claim then it may be a different situation, but for now I won't waste energy on something I'd do nothing but kill later."

His attention went to the new female who arrived on the scene. Who was she? One sniff easily told him she was of Valhalla but after that he didn't care. So were they all going to gang up on him now like pathetic weaklings? His eyes expressed that he was disgusted with the whole situation. Now he could see why Nnoitra didn't want the throne. He had to deal with idiots.

Head snapped as a new wolf arrived but the scent was thankfully Tortugan. Kaien kept his head raised proudly, like an Alpha should. Despite all the stupid bickering and irritating insults he didn't let it show that it was getting to him. Why couldn't they just fuck off? Grinner's words weren't any help. He managed to keep his composure.

"Why get angry at mere insults? Nothing about them boils my blood. It's pathetic to sit here like pups and bicker over a wolf. I told you I won't fight over something not worth my time. When a fight presents itself that's worthy of my time and effort then I will partake in it. Until then I won't sit here and spit back insults and lower myself to their standards. If you want her as a prisoner to torture then be my guest and fight for her. Otherwise I'm about done here.
