
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-28-2013, 07:37 AM

Thank you Chesh ♥

By the nature of Tortuga's hierarchy, Morphine had been subject to abide to Kaien despite their equal title, and even though he had ordered the wench to stay behind while he attended to business elsewhere, the curious girl had followed the male out of interest in the howl that had beckoned the brute, for the tone was foreign to her. She fled the premises of Tortuga's realm about five minutes after Kaien had departed, leaving the pack in the capable paws of Viridi as she tracked the silver male's scent like a bloodhound. It was surprising to the wench to have been led to the battlefield where she had once called on Kaien, and the first thought that entered her mind was the thought of a challenge to Vecaan. Her brows furrowed and she picked up the pace, trotting in her typical stance with her skull levelled with her spinal column and her tail pointed directly out from her rump, for caution was to be taken in this land that was plagued with blood and littered with those who held a lust for it. Instead of finding Kaien and one other alone, her silver and emotionless eyes fell upon a scene of three, but the wench could make out at least two others approaching - one that she recognized, and another she did not. Curiosity urged her onward, and she reached the scene just in time to here Cyanide's speech unfold, directed towards Kaien.

Morphine had been just as unaware as Kaien about the girl's abrupt swap in allegiance, and she would have been lying if she claimed she had not been surprised or even amused. Valhalla and Tortuga were the two extremes in Morphine's eyes; they held opposite morals and values that were obvious to one who knew a thing or two on both of the packs. Nnoitra had held a distaste for this pack, and Morphine knew that, so happening upon an encounter between the two kings of those packs made her bristle with excitement; there was to be a brawl between the two, she could feel it. However, as she halted next to Kaien and heard the words from Cyanide, her gaze shifted to Kaien; he had denied a fight. An urge to encourage him to fight grew within her, however, before she could manage to get the words out, the Valhallan king chimed in, his words biting beneath her skin as she knew they would to Kaien as well. Collision had hit Kaien where it hurted -- Kaien had been lacking confidence that he was a decent leader and had informed her of this when he asked if he should step down and hand the crown back over to Nnoitra. This would obviously cause some friction.

It is funny, she began, her vocals holding the sarcastic tone they normally held as she addressed the other king. I see no difference in Kaien and Nnoitra. You claim Nnoitra was a king and that Kaien is pathetic, however, Nnoitra did not butt into other packs' matters either. Valhalla came to the borders whilst Nnoitra was king - sure - but he started no war because of it. Her words held truth and she knew it -- she hadn't the faintest idea why everyone in Tortuga seemed to favor Nnoitra to Kaien when, in truth, Kaien had done more when it came to involvment in other packs and proof was tangible in the form of Lentajin and Tortuga's alliance. And Neo... Neo swapped his allegiance with Valhalla for Tortuga, yet you do not challenge for him and chide Kaien for not fighting for someone who has obviously already made their decision on who they'd rather join, she concluded with a sly grin as she shifted her attention to Cyanide. She did not agree with Kaien's decision to not fight for the bitch, but she was not going to sit by and allow the Valhallan king to deteriorate Kaien's confidence or get away with his own hypocracy. If Kaien would not fight for her, she would, and if she managed to win, she'd immediately hand the bitch over to Grinner so he could deal with the proclaimed assassin as an example to any Tortugan who desired to become a traitor.

Speech. Thought. 710.