
ready, aim, fire!


03-26-2014, 08:13 PM

an empire's fall
The appearance of another wolf went unnoticed at first - she almost blended in with the ashen landscape around her. But the light voice of a younger female reached Altavro's ears and he lifted his blue gaze from the dusty ground. His eyes focused upon an unfamiliar form; a gray and white youngster (he seemed to be running into a lot of them lately). Nothing too impressive one way or another, though she seemed a little on the young side to be wandering on her own. She didn't smell much of a pack, like the desert one had. Was she on her own? Altavro didn't usually care, but she was young, as he had observed previously. Not that it was really any of his business, at any rate.

Twitching his ears, Altavro listened to her comment impassively, then shrugged slightly, shoulders rolling beneath his thick fur. "I've noticed," Altavro commented with a snort, "But you're here too." He pointed that out with a hint of amusement to his words, though he wondered absently if she would explain what had brought her to these empty lands. The wolf inhaled, half preparing to sigh, only to sneeze violently as ash was drawn up his nose by the breath. Ugh. Maybe he should be on his way out.

Curiosity tinged his thoughts, but still the wolf remained quiet, head cocked slightly in the younger female's direction. He wasn't sure how she would react, but after angering Erani as much as he had with his callous comments, Altavro was on his best behavior. For the moment, at least. He wasn't sure how much longer it would last, and he had to admit that it was rather difficult to bite his tongue on scathing comments when wolves quite clearly deserved it. Especially when they did stupid things. Though it was possible that the wolves of these lands were more intelligent than the wolves the Nomads had stumbled across during their travels. Or maybe that was just because he had only run across injured wolves during his wanderings with his healer family. Ah well. Nothing to be done now, was there?

in just one day