


03-26-2014, 08:16 PM

The mutt looked up with a less than impressed face, a chuckle escaping dark lips as it held the pale golden gaze of the beast. A comment on the viewing of her presence in the area was made, prompting a bored chuff from the she cat as she rolled her eyes. As if I care what your idiotic Tortuga think of me, mongrel. She would internally growl, flexing massive paws to dig wicked talons into the bark. The whip at her hocks would give an irritated flick as she lowered herself closer to the branch, laying her immense frame upon the rough bark of the thick limb and reclining regally with her forepaws resting firmly upon the wood. The canine would continue to yap, speaking of the former leader and how she had wanted what was clearly not something as wonderful as she put it out to be, to meet the monster herself. Boredom would be clearly written upon the severe features of the murderess, primrose optics scanning the painted features of the dog as it introduced itself.

The idea that she must give her name to yet another of the annoying little mutts was not something ideal, but if it would keep them away from her for a little while yet, it seemed to be the only course of action. "I am Zafira." Growled the heavily accented lyrics of the daemon as she watched the face of the strange wolf. Long tail would give another aggravated lash at her hips, before draping itself over the edge of the branch. She would not speak, instead leaving the wolf to either state further business, or leave. She would put up with this, but not for much longer if this infuriating small talk must ensue. The way this pale canine seemed on edge was amusing, but it hardly showed upon the features of the redwood queen. There was unease in the tense muscles of the mongrel, and it made the beast feel content that she inspired such fear.
