
Rise to Power



5 Years
03-26-2014, 09:01 PM

D?gmar was glad to see more wolves arrive, even the younger male who was doing his best to kiss ass. Was he one of her pups or something? She didn't see much of a resemblance. All in all the gathering was quite small and consisted mostly of yearlings but it would grow in time. D?gmar only hoped the young wolves would act with a reasonably amount of maturity as she had signed onto Elysium to sharpen her skills as a warrior not act as a babysitter. Regardless of age if they had skill they'd have her respect? without it though they'd be little more than a nuisance.

Her ears flicked foward in anticipation as Cataleya began to speak. Excellent! They'd begin sparring promptly, and without any of that mushy, feely crap. D?gmar pondered the ranks. If she were skilled enough Cataleya had said she could reach the rank of Marquis. The rank of Duchess also caught her attention. She didn't feel she was skilled enough for the rank but at the same time she was older than many of her pack mates and bore experience that the other's might not have. Hm.m? of where could she be the most use? It was a thought to ponder certainly, though her heart had always been that of a warrior, the rank of Marquis was the one that called to her most strongly.

D?gmar continued to listen, everything sounded perfect to her? until that one little blip. Mother's must raise their pups in Elysium? D?gmar made no outward show as that phrase slipped through her head, remaining cool and strong through out the meeting. The pups would not be raised here. She told Cataleya from the start she was willing to break herself to become a stronger warrior and she would not let up her training for the furry little beasts. If she miscarried, she miscarried. If they were born someone else would have to take them but she would not raise them herself. She'd kill them herself before doing so, it had already been decided some time ago before.

Cataleya asked if they had any questions but she remained silent. There wasn't anything terribly pressing she needed to ask.