
shove it



03-26-2014, 09:29 PM

When she spoke, his crimson pools took on an amused glint. The urge to tear into him bubbled in her chest, but she settled for kneading the dried out earth with her talons. His flattery definitely got him a few brownie points, but she still wasn't impressed. He commented on her failed attempt to be alone, and her jaw would set in aggravation as she stared him down. "No. It really didn't." She would growl through gritted teeth, the glare she was sending him capable of melting steel. He turned to glance at the gathering crocodiles, seeming slightly uneasy with their presence. Mismatched eyes would roll skyward, thoroughly irritated by everything occurring at this point in time. He inquired as to whether or not she would rather go somewhere else, and the obsidian temptress muttered a string of extremely pissed off profanities.

Gaze would fall towards the ground for a moment, collecting her emotions before raising her gaze upwards to the coal masked features of the stranger. A bored, still somewhat annoyed expression on her defined features. "Fine, whatever makes you feel less like pissing yourself, kid." She would growl, raising herself to her tea cupped paws and starting off in an random direction. There was a large land mass visible before her, across choppy waters. Charcoal tipped tail would sweep over her heels like a silken furred pendulum as she walked, feminine hips swaying attractively as she trotted off. She didn't care if the male was following, she simply kept walking with the thought of getting back to the mainland in mind. Her family was probably still there, unless they'd decided she was indeed the smart one, and followed. Unlikely, most of them were far too idiotic to bother. Who knows what Loki had gotten up to in her absence, probably gotten Hati into predicaments, or gotten some dumb woman pregnant.

Mismatched pools scanned the shore for any dangerous life, and found nothing worthy of her fear. The ebony bitch would continue onward, padding into the shallows of the ocean until she was forced to start swimming. The undertow was impressive, but she was still fuelled by anger and the desire to be away from the pathetic scaled creatures of the island. The black waters were far from welcoming, which still failed to make the she wolf care about anything at the moment. Eventually her talons would scrape furrows into the sand on the other shore, and she would stride up onto the pale sand. Gods, was it ever hot on the mainland. Shaking the salty water from her thick jet coat, she would lower her haunches to the ground and rest. Tall ebony audits would flicker back and forth, capturing the ambiance of the area. Nothing to pique her interest, so the dark femme would wait for whatever came next.

talk, think