
set that crown on the ground


03-26-2014, 11:04 PM

ooc;; set before the challenge

It was late but the moon was hanging lazily in the sky, swollen to its fullest size and casting a hazy beam into the depths of the den she had dug out with her brother for her children. It was for her children. Maybe in the winter seasons she would expand it to accommodate herself and them but for now each night she gathered them up, shooed them inside then sprawled across the entry way to watch them closely. They were growing up so fast, to the point where a close eye was always needed else they wander away. And that usually left her with the gut feeling of wanting to break the legs of those who had left. Hestia and Fiamette had been the biggest trouble makers so far and it was them that lantern eyes would focus in on. It was time to talk. They were growing up fast and they needed to learn, needed to have the core Sovari ideals drilled into them before it was too late. She didn't want it to ever be too late for them. Children were completely mouldable and maybe that was why she hadn't ended their lives at the very beginning.

Long limbs would unfurl elegantly beneath her and she would slip inside, there was a tenderness to her touch as she pushed Arisu to the side a bit to give herself a clear path to her firstborn daughter. Jaws would pluck the child from the fold and it was like she wasn't even missed as the rest rolled to huddle back together as if it was the contact that kept them alive. The smallest of smiles slipped across her features as she backed up once more, pulling herself through the tiny opening that was too small for her to stand completely in. No word was given to the young girl as Vi wasn't even sure if she had awoken yet. Even if she did decide to speak or make a sound Vi would not respond and continue on her quest to find a good place to rest and speak. She moved further into the hot springs, towards the more heated centre pools before finally she would lay down, carefully folding haunches beneath her and then allowing forepaws to slip forward until she was balanced on her belly.

It was only then that she would place the the girl between her forepaws, tongue rasping over her back from mid spine to the top of her head. "Up my dear, wake up..." She murmured easily, continuing to clean the young girl, keeping her safely between her forepaws. "We have things to discuss and I need you to pay attention..." She purred, honey coated tones rolling off her tongue with practiced ease. Forepaws were tipped over the edge of the the cool rock she had placed them on, leaning towards the steaming waters below. One elbow would inch forward so toes could feel the scolding waters below but other then that she remained motionless as she pulled back to study the child with intense gaze. Was she too young to understand everything that was to happen? Everything Vi wanted to do for her and her siblings?

Table by Azil