
if i had a heart i would love you


03-26-2014, 11:31 PM

It seemed the only time she was able to get any peace and solitude was when the moon was full and high above the sky. As usual she lay easily at the mouth of the den she and her brother had dug once she was well enough to leave Novel's den and move the children out. And as usual it had been a hassle to round up all the monsters and get them into the den for bedtime. God children were assholes... Her hips were flipped lazily to the side so her belly was facing the five little demons she had carried inside of her for what had felt like forever. And now it was almost a month since their birth and she still hated most of them. Head was laid atop forepaws, luminous eyes watching the heap of bodies laying in the middle of the the tiny den. How could she ever love them? Though stomach had tightened once more teats were still swollen with milk and she knew as soon as she was able she would wean the children so she would regain her normal appearance.

Table by Azil