
That Place in Your Heart


03-27-2014, 02:06 AM

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote: He looked at this resemblance of his brother, looked at her closly and noticed all the differences that marked her as her own creature. At first he thought he was searching her for all the things that made her Gargole's blood, but realised that really he was after what made her her. She was family, he had no doubt about that, and if their blood ran true she would hold every bit the independence of Gargie, Crusade, of their parents, this womans grandparents. He was right, this wolf was not a minature copy of the wolf he so dearly loved and missed, but it didn't matter he had already found room in his heart for her and every fibre of his being begged to know what made her herself.

She had come down from her dune-tower and approched him after his words. Her voice was so polite, and friendly that again he felt that little ache in his heart that missed the family he had lost. But here, in front of him, was a chance of knowing other family that had been lose before he even knew existed.
He sat down before her and listened carefully to what she had to say. It hurt to know that even his daughter had not seen him for the better part of a year, and even more so he was afraid for what fate might have meet his head-strong kin.

He watched her expressions as she realised that the brute before him was her family, and he could hear her interest in her tones. Adravendi he did not reconise that name and wondered if perhaps that was this wolf's mother. He left it for the moment and instead took a breath and told her of the family she did not know
?Yes, i'm your uncle, I was raised with Garogyle and Crusade, in the pack that came before the one that was ruled first by Crusade, then me, until finally it found its way to Gargie. Your grandparents where called Drake and Clash, did you know that? They where very strong wolves, and raised us well. You probably know of Gargie's strength and tendancie to run head-first into trouble.?
His voice was whistful, but also loving and warm. He loved every bit of his family and missed them in every fibre of his being.
?I never knew he would settle, have you siblings? What was the name of the wolf that finally captured his wild heart??
He asked gently, making it clear he was more then happy to tell her everything she wanted to know, all he wanted to know in return was a piece of Gargie that he had not had a chance to see.

[Image: rave3.png]