
Sweet Dreams Child [open]



03-28-2013, 11:43 AM

Ears flicked forward as Grinner began to cackle before speaking once more. A smirk tugged at his lips at the other man's words. The oddly marked brute had a way with words that he found amusing. It didn't bother him in the slightest that Grinner was a cannibal. It would have been hypocritical of him to condemn him for it. The ex Alpha had once been a cannibal too. Still was, he just hadn't partaken in the flesh of any wolf for months. Not since Tortuga's founding.

As Grinner took his leave he flicked his tail as a farewell then looked to Zarzenova as the girl began to speak. Two-toned blue orbs studied her. Did she truly wish to know how he was? He was indeed aging. He had turned six last winter and age was beginning to creep up on his lanky frame. Had his fur not already been pale the gray and silver hairs beginning to line his muzzle would be more prominent. He didn't quite have the same spunk that he used to either. Part of that was the lack of proper nutrition.

Shoulders rolled in a sort of shrug. He'd been fairly well. Roving. But he doubted she wished to hear his stories. He could see her eyes flickering towards the woods. She wished to escape and he could understand. He'd never been a father before, children never came with instruction manuals, so he wouldn't pretend to have been the best father. In fact he could have tried harder. Why hadn't he? He couldn't answer that.

"Fine child. Hardly anything worth talking about. The better question is, how have you been daughter of mine? You seem... oh what's the word? Irritated and in mental agony. What plagues you?"

Perhaps he was trying to make up with Zarzenova for his failure in raising Jokull and Ricochet. Was he trying to silently ask for Zarzenova's forgiveness? In a way he did owe her. He'd passed the throne on to Kaien prematurely. She might have gotten the throne had he waited until he was seven or eight. Instead he stepped down. He'd gotten lazy near the end and no longer wanted it. Who could blame him? He was a nomad of sorts. He had no wish to continue leading when he could lead so much better from the sidelines. It'd been the better option after all. But no one knew that. So they wouldn't understand. He doubted they ever would. Save for Kaien. Even then the young boy didn't fully get it. He just so happened to be ignorant in some aspects. Either way it didn't matter. He'd done what he accomplished.
