
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-27-2014, 04:20 PM

Muscles coiled and released, paws struck the earth with unforgiving force. Coral pools remained locked in on her target. A doe. The Queen was hungry and she would have her meal. Jaws unhinged, lips curling back to expose fangs. Air was sucked in, feeding her body the much needed oxygen, muscles began to burn. The animal was tiring, faltering in its steps. With a final push, the silver temptress would launch her behemoth form, taking the animal to the ground.

Cries of distress filled her ears. Not a moment was wasted, as soon as the animal hit the ground, fangs would sink into its neck, blood rushing her mouth. A grin pulled at her lips as the animals attempts to escape became feeble and finally stopped all together. Blood cascaded from parted jaws, soaking her throat and chest.

The Queen would not eat right away, taking a moment to catch her breath as pants heaved her sides rapidly. As her breathing slowed, returning to normal, her skull would drop, jaws parting to rip into still warm flesh. Blood would spatter, lightly speckling her front limbs and chest, it would easily rinse away with some water.

After eating her fill, the temptress would rock back onto her haunches, settling in to let her food digest. She would allow her form to slide down, legs stretched out before her. Salmon tongue would begin to the tedious process of removing the blood from her silvery pelt. Every now and then her jaws would part with a brief yawn before she resumed, working from her limbs to the reachable places of her chest. Audits would twitch, taking in the now familiar sounds of her home, enjoying the serenity of it all. This was her home.