
Uneasy understandings


03-27-2014, 07:22 PM

For the last day or so Destruction had been deep in thought, her mind troubled as she that crossed onto the fae. The longer she remained as Queen of Seracia... The more members that left their ranks... The more she wondered, the more she questioned, if this was truly the best choice for Loccian to have made in regards to passing Seracia onto another member for a while. She understood the need to put the pack in the paws of someone she trusted but... Was she truly such a trustworthy wolf?

More and more Destruction was questioning herself. Questioning it all. What was her place in life anymore? Since Tahlia and her children were banished a part of Destruction felt so empty... And she longed for that hole to be filled again. Family... In the end she was alone again. The first time her family had been stolen from her... And there was little she could do about it. Now... She did technically have the power to bring them back. All of them. Bane. Tahlia. The children. But her loyalty to Seracia and Loccian prevented that... And her pack loyalty had caused her to break her promise to Bane... To all of them.

...and that broke her heart.

Destruction hadn?t even managed to begin training her apprentices yet. It felt like everything she knew... Everything that she loved... Was always being taken from her. Every time she was happy... Something happened to disrupt that. Was she truly just... Not meant to find happiness? Was she cursed? Was this his fate... Because of the sins she committed in her younger days? Because she became a monster? Even if she thought she had left that life behind... It seemed to cause her grief in other ways... Looming over her. Alone. You are alone. All you truly are... Is... Forbidden Destruction.

Her single crimson ringed orb would closed, trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill down her cheek. She missed her family. She missed her son. She even missed her parents, whose faces and names she could no longer recall. She missed the innocence she once held as a young pup. She was lost. Lost to herself. Her duty was clear... But she almost felt as if she was just a shell of what she should be. What she needed to be.

Destruction had not given up hope that Loccian would make a full recovery and reclaim the pack. The wolves leaving... Though they might have claimed it wasn?t because of her being alpha... She couldn?t help but feel it was so now. Sure Arian had come back... But... The female would heave a small sigh, shaking her head. ?Perhaps I should go talk to Loccian about this soon... Maybe she will have a solution.? She needed some sort of guidance now. Some way of knowing where to turn once Seracia was back under, in her eyes, more capable paws.

Then a familiar howl would reach the ears of the dark woman. She would open her single orb, tears having been banished away, at least for now, and she would rise to her paws. The call belonged to a Seracian, Irowerth, whom she was coming to see a bit more often since her alphaship. She supposed that was a good thing... And yet... At the same time... The Queen felt guilty. Was it only because she was a Queen right now that she was showering her face to the other members of Seracia more openly?

Even if that was the case, Destruction knew she couldn?t trouble the other members of her pack with her matters... It wasn?t their problem to deal with. She would put on a mask, wearing a calm expression even if her mind still churned with thoughts and her gaze burned with the truth of her inner pain. The female would wander to the location of the call, moving at a jog to reach the area in a timely manner.

When she arrived the female would find Irowerth was not alone. A female stood near him, the scents of lands upon her, though not the scents of a pack. So... This female... Was she looked to join? The Queen would allow a small and gentle smile to cross onto her face as she approached, giving a nod of greeting to her fellow pack member, a silent thank you being passed by the look she gave him for getting here first before she turned her attention to the female in front of her.

?Welcome to Seracia. I am Queen Destruction, and I see that you?ve already met Irowerth. What can I do for you today??
