
What a Rare Trip, Indeed


03-27-2014, 07:28 PM
Memories. As Silent spoke of them Ellis would give a small nod. There were certainly many memories from the place, even if it felt so long since she had been there. Her paws had lead her to somewhere distant, a new land, to new wolves, but she knew a piece of her was always there, the winds singing and howling along with that part of her spirit. Her family would surely be there forever as well... If not physically then in spirit. That land was a part of them... And as long as the wind blew they would always have a reminder of it. Who they were. Where they came from.

The words were not spoken but Ellis was certain that Silent knew of such things... Especially when the elder spoke again. One of the best decisions that she had ever made. Leaving ones pack, ones home, could be a hard decision, but ultimate it could lead to something beautiful... A new life with new chances. Every wolf had their own reasons for leaving a pack. But one should never do anything halfway... Because what you might find could actually be something even more amazing. Something that Ellis got the sense Silent knew firsthand.

The female would blink a little as the black elder said she sounded much like she did when she was younger. Getting tired of traveling for so long and wanting to settle down and all. But Silent would give her advice, advice Ellis would give a nod to. She understood the need of using her body while it still had the strength to do all that she wished it to do, and, perhaps one day, she might journey again. But for now her path was set. She was settling down here in Alacritia. She wasn?t even yet two years old, not even a full fledged adult, and she felt, at the very least, there were some lessons yet to be learned in these lands.

Her smile would not fade, and Ellis would look out across the water as Silent spoke again, her heart filling with warmth at the kindness and gentleness the she wolf possessed. She thought of her mother, again, for a brief moment. Silent certainly seemed the type of a gentle mother, though at her age more of a grandmother or even great grandmother, though that was okay. Age wasn?t a bad thing. Everything a wolf could go through, every experience both good and bad, could make an elder an extraordinary being to come across.

?This is all too true, miss Silent.? Her gaze was soft as she spoke those words, already thinking of different wolves she had met. Though she had not stayed with them those wolves were all a part of her memory now. Her story. The femme would chuckle softly. ?Maybe someday... Before my body decides it no longer wishes for such things... I might take up journeying again. I?ve still got quite a few years left in me yet... And... While I love to travel... Part of me also wants to settle down because I feel there is more to be taught here. I get the sense there is something that is supposed to happen in Alacritia that hasn?t happened yet... And so I have to stay and find out what that is.?

She was a wolf who believed strongly in the path of destiny... But she also believed that a wolf could alter their path, their destiny, depending on the experiences they went through and the wolves that they met. Ellis would look to Silent, teal-green orbs shining. She was certain that she had met Silent today to be reminded of that. The small femme would tip her head forward, respect shining in her eyes for the other wolf. ?Many lives are remembered in the hearts of those we touch... And in our memories. I am sure that I?m going to remember today. I get that sense as I speak to you, miss Silent.? How happy she sounded when she said these words.

But being young, and always searching for any sort of knowledge that could help guide her, Ellis would decide to ask about Silent?s own journey, should she be willing to share. ?What was your own journey like?? The female would take a moment to glance over at Faolan again before looking to Silent again.