
Where Do I Belong? (joining)


03-27-2014, 08:01 PM

What could she do now? Where could she go? Her dreams were falling around her, and everything she had planned for was turning to dust. This was unacceptable. The female she had spoken to had said there was no need for healers like her in Ludicael. The positions had been filled. She was unwanted there. And now she was lost.

The white maiden wandered the eastern territories without cause. Her pretty face took on a twisted mask of confusion and grief. Her steps were heavy, and her paws ached from hours of meaningless walking. There was a crushing weight on her heart.

With a sigh, Adelaide lifted her blue gaze to the sky. It was a clear and promising day. Some part of her mind was trying to stay positive, apparently. She allowed a smile to cross her face, however briefly. This place really was quite lovely. It had a stark, empty beauty in it, the kind that captured your attention and held it there. The kind that could serve as a perfect distraction.

The wind had stirred up angrily in the last few minutes, pressing a small cluster of clouds across the heavens. The sun was blocked out, casting a lovely gothic shade on the land around her. The stark beauty was more pronounced now. She didn't even mind that her sunshine had been taken away. Adelaide's crystalline eyes moved across the landscape, taking in the dry hills that rolled into the distance. The grass was short and dull, but the sharp gusts of wind were beginning to toss the tiny blades around. The maiden felt her fur being tugged at by cold wintry fingers. Her smile grew. Now this was an atmosphere she could deal with. An atmosphere that suited her mood.

Before she could stop herself, the white female began sprinting across the open land. Her graceful legs carried her over the hills, only pausing when she reached the incline of a large slab of stone. Her pace slowed, bringing her to the edge of the massive rock. For a moment she held herself high, looking across the distant lands with a sense of pride. Her life was still ahead of her. Something was about to change. She could feel it.
