
Far From Home



03-28-2013, 02:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For only a brief moment in comparison to her own long decision making process, Scipio seemed to consider things, and overall Mercianne could feel a positive vibe. Even she felt good about them both staying here during the night so that she need not make the long trip back to her home without any light to guide her. And on top of that, though she still felt unsettled and awkward in Scipio's company, she did have to admit that she enjoyed it as well. Her friend count was small and limited, not quite so limited as his but not so far away either. As far as she was concerned, she needed all the friends that she could get, and since he was making such an effort and seemed genuinely interested in her well being it felt safe giving herself the chance to open up more to him.

With a shake of his head, the golden boy spoke up once more, a new suggestion rolling off of his lips. Hay? To her recollection, she had never stayed in any location with a mixture of hay to keep them warm. Was this something perhaps he had learned through his unique experiences? But the prospect of continuing their conversation did interest her. She was sure there was much more that he could tell her in detail about her travels, and there was still plenty more from her own that she could share if she built up the nerve to mention it. And with time she could see it happening. "Okay," she repeated as her tail gave a slow, gentle wag behind her.

It was liable he would lead the way, so she got to her paws to show she was ready. Her head turned and her brown eyes settled themselves on the tumble down structure that would substitute as their night's shelter, feeling still a little uncertain about it but thankful to have someone else to watch her back and keep her company. As she glanced from the corner of her eye at the wolf beside her, more curious questions bubbled up and wished to be spoken, so selecting a safe, cautious one, she gave it a quiet, unimposing voice. "Do you usually sleep like this? In random places?" It was none of her business, and she certainly had nothing to gain by knowing the answer. She even felt her heart beat a little faster in her chest at her boldness for asking anything. But she didn't want the air to fall still between them and make further conversation difficult or awkward. She wanted to learn more about him, make a new friend, and since he was making such an effort already it only seemed fair that she return the favor.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]