

Virgil I


4 Years
03-27-2014, 08:11 PM
OOC: 3 of virgil?s kids can post their posts now :] if anybody wants to be the last born let me know, and you can post after virgil?s next post prolly. [:

She is afraid, more than she is willing to admit. She hides it behind her pain, behind her tense muscles and deep growls. The first to greet her is a stranger, and her first instinct is to tense, but the scent of Ebony wafts into her nostrils and she resists more than revealing a single tooth for a moment. She is demanded to take deep breaths, and she obliges. Next to come is Helios and Hermes, the latter carrying herbs of some sort.
A strange ebony woman arrives, inquiring why Virgil came here. The golden woman knows it is reckless, but she also cannot help but want to be with Raisa. She has always dreamed of being with her lover when she births her children, and even now during her unconventional pregnancy and unconventional love (by Olympus standards, as far as she is aware), she still desires that. It is not long before Raisa comes, and Virgil relaxes. ?Raisa,? she rasps, desperate, seeking to press her head into the woman?s soft fur. ?I wanted them to know you,? she says quietly. She wants them to know their second mother from the moment they enter this world.

Another healer comes, telling her to eat an herb. Virgil complies, trusting in the members that Raisa herself trusts. The healers seem to have a disagreement, and then the Empress?s Centurion arrives. ?Aunt Nat, I?m sorry,? she mumbles. She knows she ought not to wander so far, that she has caused her family a bit of strife lately, but she cannot help it. Things have soured lately, and no mater her composure, Virgil is not taking it well in the least.

Alas, her sides contract heavily, and soon she brings three bundles of fluff into the world. Gory details spared, she loving cleans them, until her body contorts once more. She pants, frantic, pain turning her vision white. Something is wrong, and she is panicking, and she does not know what to do. She feels the abyss pull, the dark of unconsciousness luring her in, but she resists. She cannot give up. ?H-help,? she says, noises of distress parting from her lips.

OOC: for the healer-types: basically the last pup is the wrong way round ^^

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