
Vanilla Twilight[Twig Birth]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 10:24 PM by Erani.)

Twig was indeed small of belly. In her palpitations, Erani felt only one body, and it was frightfully still, not kicking or twitching at the intrusion of unfamiliar pressure. It worried her. She wondered if Twig had noticed any lack of movement recently. ?One.? She stated lightly, as Twig glanced at her. And then the cross marked wolf would writhe, tail lashing, falling into a new position, and a push of her muscles released a deluge of red. Erani put her nose down, sniffing delicately. On the blood, she could smell the lack of life, the faint scent of decay. That pup was not viable any longer. It needed out.

It was then that Twig turned to see the blood, panicking. Erani felt a great deal of sadness for the young female. This would likely stop her from ever wanting another litter. The fear that this would happen again. And it could, yes. ?Be still, and push. The pup needs to get out of there.? She could see the loss of blood already affecting Twig. The fear of pushing. ?Let it go, let nature taker her course.? If that pup didn?t get out, there could be so many problems. Erani stepped behind Twig, a haunch acting as a pillow for her head, and finally, the pup came free, parting from it?s mother to rest among the blood. It wasn?t moving, She felt Twig go limp against her, knew that the female had lost consciousness. Rising slowly, she extricated herself, cleaning the stillborn efficiently before attending to Twig, checking the bleeding. Less was escaping, but there could still be internal bleeding. The herbs should help with that.

Themisto arrived then, closely followed by Jinxx. She met Themisto?s eyes with a chilled stare, letting him know that she intended to speak with him later, but for now, her answer to his question was ?We bury her.? The cold look from Jinxx to the still child was countered with a soft, still look of her own. ?Save that coldness for someone who deserves it. The bastard who raped your sister, for instance. This child is innocent. She didn?t choose to exist.? Her voice was soft, gentle, but commanding. Lowering her head, she scooped the limp body up in her jaws and slipped out of the alcove with a glance to Themisto that said to come with her, and not to argue. Her tail had lifted above the level of her hips, a clear sign that she would not accept any protests.