
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-27-2014, 10:50 PM

The beast was moving along the edge of the forest, slow and steady as always though today he made not attempt to remain silent. Paws pressed heavily on the soft soil and he couldn't help but smile the finest bit. This land was fertile and the game was plentiful. He had nothing to complain about especially considering the pack was finally one that he fit in with. It was much like Tortuga had originally been but when he had first joined that pack his mental state had been a bit different, lighter aligned so he had not fit in as well as he had hoped. But now he felt young again, able to flex his muscles and do what he could to help this pack flourish. And all that began with boarder patrols, though he had no official rank aside from warrior he felt the need to keep his pack safe. After everything with Secret he knew that safety began with regular patrols.

A squeal, sharp and clear rang out and immediately massive crown would life, ears swivelling to catch the direction of the sound. Within the territory. That meant either a pack mate was hunting or a trespasser was hunting in Elysium lands. He hadn't met many of his pack mates so immediately he would turn inwards, breaking into a lumbering lope towards the sound. He was quick to arrive, but not quick enough it seemed. She had already eaten by the time he arrive and damn did she look good covered in blood. "A good hunt it looks like?" He rumbled, taking a few steps closer to eye the doe she had caught for herself. "A pleasure to see you again my queen. I was wondering when I would be able to partake in your company again." He said with a chuckle, lowering himself to his haunches as his head cocked easily to the side. Eyes glittered dangerously as s slight smile played across his lips.
