
What a Lovely Night



03-27-2014, 11:42 PM
Chrysanthe would slip away from the territory with a quick goodbye to her daughter. She never went very far for long - and here lately she had gathered a favorite spot in the west. The Willows were lovely, and a good quiet spot to stay shaded and cool during the summer. Surely she shared this favorite place with a few other rogues, but she had yet to run into anyone during her trips here. Today though, there was an ambiance to the place that it normally didn't have - because today the area around the willows was covered in a thick fog. The night air provided a gentle breeze, but it wasn't enough to blow the fog away, only to make it roll and sink, further blinding anyone who was caught in the cloud.

The half blind woman wouldn't realize that the fog was rolling her way until it was too late - and she would be submerged with everything else in the area with only a few steps forward. She should have felt thrown out of her element, maybe even a bit intimidated by the fog - but fog was something that was part of home now with the addition of the gorge. It granted her cover and allowed her to carry herself without being seen or heard - so long as she went out of her way to keep her footsteps silent. It was instinctual to fall into a hunter's mindset when she couldn't make out who was beside her unless they were pretty much pressed up against her.

She would pause, at the sound of lapping - someone was having a drink? Her head would tilt, wondering what stranger she was caught in the fog with. Or perhaps this lupine wouldn't be a stranger at all? She had met withh er fair share of wolves during her time in Alacritia. The Adravendi would creep forward, her eyes trying to focus through the fog on the figure that was an unknown distance before her - but the fog just wouldn't relent. Finally she would stop with a huff, she wasn't sure whether she was a few feet away from the stranger or a few inches - and there was really only one way to find out. "Hellooooo, I know you're out there." She would chime lowly, but in friendly enough of a tone for the other to assume she meant no harm. "Would you do me a favor and speak to me?" She could figure out where he was with that much, absolutely.