
Preparing a Feast



03-28-2014, 01:01 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The petite grey wolf sat still and silent upon the edge of the wide plain that made up one of the central locations in the pack's territory. Summer heat was in the air, making even the simple task of sitting a chore. There were better places to be, the lake for instance, but for her purpose this was the better location. Ashtoreth was waiting, patiently, giving a hunch she had time enough to manifest itself and prove her right. It was less fun than actual tracking but she had already done that part. Now she just needed to see if all the pieces she had been bringing together would fall into place for the better of Valhalla.

Though her gold and purple eyes glanced about her, scanning expectantly, her thoughts became somewhat distracted. While not much had changed since the midnight gathering their Alpha had called together, what had changed was significant to her. The mateship she had agreed to with Leon had been made publicly official by a special ceremony given to them by their Alpha, a ceremony Ash had been hoping the busy leader would have forgotten about. But it was over just as quickly as it had begun, and with Leon beside her looking quite pleased about the whole business she had truthfully found difficulty in claiming it entirely pointless. He was happy. That was what was important.

What came after the festivities had been more stressful. She had known from the beginning what them becoming mates would mean, and knew Leon had hopes of a family for his future just as he knew the thought of it made her nervous. And she was glad she had told him. He had not pressured, had given her time, and eventually - much, much sooner than she had expected - she had agreed. It was still uncertain whether even now tiny little beings were beginning to form inside of her or whether they would need to try again. But the uncertainty, the fact one of her biggest worries was going to become a reality, was more than enough to warrant a distraction.

It took the arrival of a new scent carried in upon the wind to drag her from her unwanted reverie and back to the here and now, and as it did it gave her reason to smile. Yep. The herd was on the move, and they were moving in. Ashtoreth quickly got to her paws and hurried away into the trees, following the familiar paths that led toward the central den site before they had gone and lived upon the island. Not everyone had chosen to resettle here, what with Valhalla gaining new territories to their name, but it still felt like the official meeting place and it was far enough away from their intended targets not to cause a stir before it was necessary. The lean wolf's loping gait only stopped when she was within the familiar circle of once-heavily populated dens and no sooner than she halted she angled her muzzle upward in a quiet, summoning howl, requesting her hunters and anyone else who thought they could be of use.

Finally feeling as if she was back in her old skin again, comfortable with her purpose, Ash stood in waiting, two-toned eyes peeled for the arrival of those who would assist her in preparing Valhalla's first feast since their rebirth under Erani.

OOC: Everyone welcome; can be a learning experience if desired. c: Also, I was thinking, to try and hopefully get this seen through all the way to the end, I figured it could be very free form with a lax posting order and control of their prey (elk) when we get to it could also be open to everyone. If other ideas would like to be suggested, feel free to voice them. We're all ears. ^^