
Loyal No More [open]


03-28-2013, 02:35 PM

She stalked the beach at a furious pace, her fur, had never once been matted and tangled but it was now, her posture had never revealed anything but something aloof, calm, collected, but such was not today. Her paws sunk into the thick sand, sinking into the grains with purpose, with fury, her tail would flicker left and then right in her anger. Her mate slumbered, had spent most of the night trying to curb off the pain of the wound inflicted by the bastard, and so she so named him. Kill him! Look what he has done to us! He's made us bleed! Made us hurt! Her lip would curl above her teeth. Tear out his trachea, watch him as he suffocates. Her muscles would spasm, twitch. Better yet take a piece of his wife, make him feel what we feel. The voices continued, a thousand and one possibilities. Her liter would not be tainted by the filth that plagued Seracia.

She was leaving. Segar could come with her if he so chose. her eyes flickered to the mouth of his den, saturated in worry and in sorrow. His beautiful body did not deserve such horrible marks and as long as she drew breath she would not forgive the Seracian fool. He had not even the gall to deliver the punishment to she who rightfully deserved it. he enjoyed hurting his subjects what a pathetic king he was. He had hurt Segar out of want to inflict pain, nothing more and nothing less. Segar was her heart and her pups were a piece of their love. They would not grow being seen as illegitimate, who did he think he was? To tell her who she could and could not breed too. To tell her that the product of love was illegitimate, she wanted to tear him apart. He was no longer worth her loyalty and she would be gone come nightfall.
