
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-28-2014, 02:28 PM

Strange how he had changed so much since their first meeting when nothing but insults had slipped from his jaws and insanity had plagued his mind. Not please conversation seemed to come naturally to him as she offered him a meal and his tipped his head in a slight bow to her. He wash't overly hungry but life as a rouge had taught him that being stuffed was never a bad idea. She flipped herself into a more comfortable position and he allowed forepaws to slid down so he was laying as well, though more balanced on his haunches then she was as if ready to hop up in a moment's notice. But still a chuckle slipped from his lips as she complimented his company. "Well I am here to serve my queen after all?" He would murmur as she reached down to tear a strip of flesh from the doe, only a mouth full so conversation could continue if she so desired.

And it seemed she did, asking if she could expect his visits more. Head would tip easily and smile would widen as he swallowed his mouthful before replying. "For as long as they are welcome then yes?" He would chuckle, ripping off another mouthful before finally flipping his hips to the side and studying her easily. "Tell me about yourself dear Cataleya? Mate? Children? And about your pack if you would indulge me. Any healers, talented hunters or warriors?" He asked easily, leaning over to continue his slow meal though sickly green gaze would never leave her as he awaited her answer. He wanted to know more about this lady he would now bow to and of this pack that he was to become a part of.
