
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-28-2014, 02:49 PM

A soft bit of laugher would flow from her jaws as the man settled in to eat his fill. He would settled him, several questions rolling his tongue in matter of moments. Brow would lift briefly as she waited for them end before answering. "Well, no mate, three children, Zaria, Senka and Sora. As for my pack, no one has claimed to be a healer or even interested in becoming one, same for hunters, everyone seems to be blood thirsty savages." A wry grin would grace her features, amusement coloring her eyes.

"And what about you, hmm? Surely you don't spend all your time as a matted mess." She would toss a wink at him, lightly poking fun at him. Truthfully, she wanted to know more about this man. He had unexpectedly returned to her, and now she found herself encountering him more and more. He was entirely unknown to her and she had willing accepted him into her home. Though the same went for many of her pack members, he was the only one that repeatedly sought her out and spent any amount of time at her side.