
First spilt blood [Champion]


03-28-2013, 09:07 PM

Rushing, she could hear it like a wild thing beating against the wind. Her ears perked at the smell of fresh scat and blood. The war had started without her. The horn for the hunt had blown and as she was carefully stalking the elk from the distance it seemed a Champion had come to steal her glory. She moved with urgency towards the battlegrounds. The smell of fresh blood was almost overwhelming. She could feel the heat in her body rising. She yearned for the taste of fear on her tongue. She wanted to drink it down until the eyes went dead and the heart faded to black. Her tail rose behind her as she followed the disgruntled sounds. The prey was of able body and so when the mammoth of a wolf had lunged it had retaliated. She had glimpsed the end and rage seemed to settle deep in her bones.

Her hair rose to attention. Her lips curled backwards as she carefully wandered to the fallen heap of an adrenaline whore. She all but laughed to herself at the thought. What was she then? Always seeking a master to put her past the brink of pain and into oblivion. No, she would cast no stones on this bitch?s fetish. What pissed her off more was the fact that she hadn?t? fully finished the job. Had she waited, only a moment, to stalk the beast as she had planned then perhaps they could have met on common grounds and took down the monster together.

She sniffed the air around the fallen female. She was a size to be envied by many but not her. No, she was the largest to walk this place that she had known of. None towered over her nor did they out weigh her. Her tail snapped behind her smacking into her rump as she let out a deep manic infused laugh, ?Cerberus?s concubine?s cunt! Did you think you could make that beast bow?? her voice bounced with her laughter at the sight before her. She shook her velvet coat and moved closer to inspect the bitch. She sniffed for blood but could only smell that of the missing elk. Thankfully she had done something right and that broken limb could leave a trail for them to fallow. Her violet eyes peered into the crimson vessels of the unknown female. ?Are you well or are you drowning in your own needs. I have half a mind to eat you for sending that morsel away. ? She asked with half hearted sympathy. She knew the desires for pain. It was her sickness.

Her heart seemed to shrink at the thought. God how long had it been since she had felt teeth sink into her flesh? To feel her blood trickle down into the hungry grounds with open jaws? The thorns and flowers always looked for memories of the wandering sort. Why else would thorns pierce and flowers dress in such fine garments? She let out an exasperated breath of air at the frustration of not knowing where the fuck Zara had gone. She needed her anchor and if the bitch kept away long enough then her loyalties would shatter and she would find a new master. Lothaire had never let her down, until she woke up near the wall.