
I'm Here With Out You


03-28-2014, 04:24 PM
It had been nearly a day since it happened. His sister had been resting in Erani's den since the horrific incident. He had cleaned her up and remained at her side since, only leaving once to bring back some herbs he knew that would calm her, as well as some water he carried over within the folds of a a leaf pouch he had fashioned. He thanked the spirit of his mother for that. It was quite a useful technique to know. Deep blue eyes kept focused, though there was pensive thought behind them. He wondered what his sister would think upon awakening, and knew that it would hurt to know that her child didn't make the time, he had been angry at the newborn pup...blaming it and hating it. But it was Erani who made him realize, that it was not the child's fault...she hadn't chosen to be born, and Jinxx hated himself for even thinking such a thing. His mother would have been disappointed with him if she had seen that look, for she cared for all children no matter who they were or what their back story was. He had apologized, though to what he wasn't sure. They were wordless apologies, thoughts kept within the confines of his mind.

He neared the den, ears folding back and forward again when he heard her. Legs snapped into gear, heart pounding in case something was wrong. Had the bastard that forced himself on her come back? He moved quickly, slipping into the den with bristling fur only to see that his sister was alone. He glanced at the ground for a moment, the bundles dangling from his jaws. With a quiet sigh, he walked forward until he stood at her side. Gently, he placed the herbs and water at his feet before casting his gaze at her. " these, please. They'll help." He murmured as his tongue swept out to her crown. After she ate them, he would try to get her to drink water. After her ordeal, she would have to keep her strength up after all.