
New Day in a New Land


03-28-2014, 08:09 PM
She watched as the girl waited. She seemed to be listening, and as soon as Lani spoke, the blind girl was able to zero in on where she was. Of course. If she couldn't see, then she would rely heavily on her other senses. She steadily approached Lani, she watched warily as the girl came closer, but then she stopped, staying a fair enough distance away. Lalani wasn't sure what to make of this stranger. She couldn't see who or what she was talking too, she had no idea who Lani was or whether it was even safe to come near. Yet she did so anyway. Lani didn't know whether this made her brave or stupid.

In response to Lani's question, the blind girl responded with one of her own. She considered before answering. "I'm not quite sure hat I'm doing yet. Just travelling for the most part. Didn't fit in where I was, maybe I'll find somewhere here." Being a normally quiet person, it would be hard for the brown female to keep any sort of exact location on Lani's location unless she happened to be speaking. The dark girl found herself making accommodations for the other girl's disability. She lightly brushed her tail back and forth over the earth, creating a small sound, jus enough to let the girl know exactly where she was.

The heat made the air thick and it was stifling. Even in he shade of the tree they were under, thy couldn't escape it. Lani's black pelt quickly absorbed the heat around her. They needed to find somewhere cooler. "I think I saw a tunnel around here somewhere. It'll be cooler underground, if you'd like to talk there."