
Hit me with your best shot



4 Years
03-28-2014, 08:53 PM
Just to let both Elsa and the judge know, Narfi PP'ed the hooking her limbs because that attack wasn't acknowledged and because it wasn't I'm able to determine the damage like it says in the judging thread.

"If you fail to acknowledge an attack from your opponent, your opponent is then allowed to assume where the attack that you ignored landed and the extent of damage that attack caused."

Also, Elsa's image of the positioning from kane leaping back and repositioning. (link)!

Narfi Celestine Jaeger

A quick attack from Kaneyna, bite and release once she made contact with Narfi's flesh. Inexperienced, the yearling wouldn't understand why her opponent did this, and once it was over she would probably view it as weak, unable to handle holding on for longer to make a more severe injury. But then again, this was only for a rank, they weren't suppose to inflict serious wounds.

A snarl of annoyance would erupt when Narfi's jaws slammed shut on emptiness when she went for the woman's right foreleg, but she wouldn't linger on it, the girl had to keep pushing. Narrowed eyes would remain locked one her target as she [kane] used her slightly smaller size to her advantage, managing to leap back then to the side to try and get to the side and a bit behind Narfi, that wouldn't happen however. The female [narfi] quickly repositioned herself, back end swinging to the right, head swinging in sync so she could be facing Kane. She couldn't move fast enough however, for Kane's bite that was originally for Narfi's lower left neck, due to Narfi moving, would slide up and make contact with her front shoulder. She growled in frustration, the woman's fangs puncturing her flesh, creating 2cm wounds as well as small bruising and moderate soreness from the lunge. That she would be feeling for a few hours to a day or two.

Contact would be made with her sudden rush at Kaneyna's chest, hitting the female's right shoulder, not exactly where Narfi wanted it to land but that didn't matter, it still landed somewhere around the area. Her opponent [kane] would also pull back and rear when Narfi would go in for her next attack, forelimbs successfully hooking around Kane's lower neck (this is mentioned as ooc note above table), back legs spread evenly and tail straight out in an attempt to keep the little balance she had, while also shifting her weight back onto the hinds. Forelimbs would pull together, paws folding towards Narfi to keep a decent hold on her opponent. When she had gone to snap at her [kane's] face, jaws would miss their mark on either her jaws or cheek and would instead grab hold of her (wasn't mentioned which shoulder) right shoulder. Finally. Her bite wouldn't be anything serious, most likely cause a few cuts and scrapes due to her snapping at anything within reach, small amount of force. And so her jaws would pull away after the damage was done [just stating that the bite wouldn't cause too much damage].

With a grunt the she wolf [narfi] would give a shove forward and to the left [pushing kane back and to the right], forelimbs still attempting to hold onto the female. What she was aiming for was to knock the female down and into the ground, using her heavy body and momentum to do so. While trying to do this she would also pulling her head back, the skin around her neck creating folds, ears back and out of the path of the woman should she try snapping at her face. Jaws would then part and lunge forward with a good amount of force, aiming to grab hold of Kane's neck just behind her skull. Should her jaws make contact, they would slam shut and hold on tight. Top jaw would come over the top of her neck, while the lower would come on the underside behind the jaws [should this attack land of course].

two OF two FOR rank; duchess