
Touch these stars with me



03-28-2014, 09:27 PM
user posted image

Excitement was the dominant emotion that filled the alabaster creature as he made his way across the Valhalla territory. Barely hours ago he had finished his meeting with his queen, and it taken him from then to now to find the perfect set of flowers, he clutched them ever so gently now in his maw, the golden shades of the sunflower was just once bunch he held tenderly there. They had been the easy bunch to find, the brilliant shines of their petals had told they where right. The other bunch that he held mingled with them, the Blue iris's had been a harder lot to find and the main reason it had taken him until now before he made his way across the territory with his prizes held out proudly before him.

Excitement was dominant, but the buzzing of his nerves was the underlining emotion that fluttered against his stomach. He had known Lyric for a little while now, they had even shared a few adventures together at this point. Despite it all, he had wanted to do this right. He had wanted to ask her mother for her blessing, he wanted to leave little tokens by her den and take her to beautiful waterfalls and the brilliance of sunsets. He wanted her to enjoy their time together, to remember this and for it to be special.

He had arrived at her den now, and with his jaw full, he instead scratched at the wall of her den to announce himself, a muffled bark emitting from his maw. It was growing late, but the sun still held dominance against the sky. He was sure her scent seemed strong enough for her to be, and hoped he was not wrong.
