
Follow My Paw Steps



03-28-2014, 10:03 PM
Amia Tulip

The way things worked here reminded the dull brown girl much of home. It was a surprise to her, but she shouldn't be if Erani had been with the Nomads for some time in her life. Surely her new Alpha had carried with her the experiences she had come across then. And it showed in the way she ran the pack. It was a relief yet at the same time it hurt. She couldn't help but keep thinking of her old mentor. She wasn't sure if she would ever get over him, or even be able to ask someone to mentor her here. It was just far too painful, those memories haunted her yet held a bitter sweetness to them.

She had wondered into the moor and paused to look around. Her pale blue eyes stood out against her body and surroundings. The air was slightly damp, humid, crickets chirped and frogs croaked on the distance. It was an eerie calm feeling in the late summer evening. She glanced down at her paws, wiggling her toes. When was the last time she took time to condition her body? The pack would expect her to keep up with them and be able to fight if needed. She sighed heavily. She hated the idea of fighting, even sparring. Something about it unnerved her. But training with someone would be hard. Not only would it not be her deceased mentor but three different wolves. She had the idea of learning from the black female with blue eyes, the Theta Primary. She just needed to speak with the woman first about it. But who would help her to better her hunting and fighting? She groaned softly and rolled her shoulders.

She could always train herself right? Would she get in trouble for that? For now at least she could try that right? Eyes scanned the moor, noting the uneven land. This would make a good place to run, as the soil did not support you and there were many obstacles. With a shake of her fur she bolted through the moor, her legs pumping, splashing up mud. Jumping over logs and large patches of water she ran. But it was obvious she needed work. Often times she was slipping and sliding more than running and was quickly winded out. She came to a sliding halt that had her stumble down and into the mud face first. Front legs were under her where as her rear had gone forwards and stopped with it being in the air. Head twisted and she laid there not moving but grumbled with a frown.