
cool of the night



5 Years
03-28-2014, 10:17 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

New living situations meant a new environment to adjust to, and so far it was taking a little time. Callisto was still moving around, trying to find the perfect location in which to make her den, to store her herbs, and testing different places to see how they might fit. It was time consuming, and a bit boring since all she had to do for it was look around and wait, but it was a necessary evil. Eventually she would find that right location where she was comfortable, that quiet, empty place where everyone tended to stay away, and it would all be over. Until then, she was stuck with temporarily living arrangements and putting up with the wait.

For the moment, she was tucked away in a shallow den, paws crossed and chin rested upon them with her silvery blue eyes staring out into the dimly lit world of Ebony at night. The not-so-quiet world of Ebony. Despite there being no one about, at least that she could hear or smell, their insect neighbors were very noisily going about their business, making all sorts of chirps and calls to one another, keeping her awake. A heavy breath slipped from her muzzle as she tried to close her eyes and ignore it, shifting a little as she tried to brush it off, but not even a minute passed before she opened her eyes again. This was pointless. It was obvious this location was not going to work. Giving up the pretense of rest, Callisto raised her head from her grey paws and yawned widely, considering her options. There was not real sense in staying...but where to go from here?

Deciding merely to wander, just to see if there might have been another quiet place nearby that she could rest in, even if it was out in the open, the young girl pulled herself to her paws and left the den behind her, meandering aimlessly and somewhat restlessly through the area. She padded slowly and quietly through the shadows, feeling very at home there, though a noise drew her attention and her direction toward it. She had spotted the faint, glowing insects above the water of the lake before she was there near the open, spotting the noise maker lying upon the lake's shoreline and licking his lips as if he had finished a meal. It seemed he had too; beside him lay a pile of something - no prey animal that she was familiar with - but being an unsociable type she very nearly turned and left him alone. But if she was looking for a quiet place to rest...

Just a quick question. The girl hesitated there in place, watching him, before she ventured forth with her quiet, wraith-like gait and offered a greeting phrase merely to get his attention. "The water nice?" She could tell from the gleam of his coat that he had taken a dip in it, could see below that the unusual tone of his fur, but the unusual color was a small matter. What was more important was finding herself a new place to rest.