
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-28-2014, 11:08 PM

She was easy to talk to thankfully, words flowing easily from her tongue and he found himself nodding along with each tidbit of information. No healers or hunters hey? He tipped his head curiously, reaching forward to rip off another mouthful as he mulled over those thoughts. Though he was not an adept hunter his mother had drilled into him that only a well rounded wolf was worth anything in the world. She described her pack members as 'blood thirsty savages' and he chuckled at that. "As long as they can remain level headed when needed then they will do fine. And they are young, they can learn?" He said softly, chuckling lightly. So far he had yet to catch the scents of anyone older then one. Though there might be a few sneaking around in the shadows he had yet to find them.

She called him a matted mess when she asked about him and an honest laugh rolled up his jaws before he shook his head to deny his statement. "I regret to say you didn't see me at my finest and for that I apologize." He said, lifting massive shoulders easily. "I have three children I had young with a woman I barely knew but we became friends. She was murdered a few seasons back, maybe even a year now. I lost myself hunting for her killer. Before that she was raped and terrorized by a man named Kaios. A dear friend of mine Jupiter killed him when I failed, I went to follow her and when she disappeared as well? I suppose I kind of just snapped?" Though a frown creased his brow and gaze turned to the trees behind her his tone was light and at the end his shoulders lifted in an easy shrug. "My sister having her children brought me out of it and voila, here I am."

Reaching down he would pull up another hunk of meat and swallowing it almost immediately so he could continue speaking. "Well? Seeing as you have practically no one. Let me know what I can do. My mother practically beat it into my sister and I that we had to learn everything as pups. I'm not a great hunter but fighting and healing come naturally. Maybe a little poisons too?" He said with a slight chuckle, throwing a wink her way and lifting a massive paw to paw her her dainty black dipped forepaw in a more of less flirtatious manner.
