
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-29-2014, 12:06 AM

The Queen would nod in agreement, she had no problems within her pack so far, and all were young enough that with proper training, they would do well. She would find the man easy to talk to, conversation rowing easily between them. Audits would swivel to attention as he spoke of his children and their mother. It was a terrible thing, to have the mother of his children murdered in cold blood. His gaze would leave hers as though he was some place else, revisiting memories.

Immediately he would change the subject, offering up more of his help in fighting, healing and even poisons. Her gaze would drop to her extended paw as his brushed hers. A slow smirk would pull at her features as her gaze lifted to meet his verdant one.

"I'm beginning to appreciate your presence more and more." It was not like her to be shy, so she would rise, closing the few steps that stood between them. Slow strides would move her past him, silvery plume teasing his side. The Queen would cast a glance over her shoulder. "I need to wash off, care to join me?" She would not wait to see if he would follow, instead weaving a path towards small ponds she had come across.

At a stead walk, it would take the pair about ten minutes, the silver temptress would remain silent most of the journey, asking only one question. "Do you see your children often?" It was an innocent question, she just imagined him as being the type to be involved with his kids. Hell, if she took part in her kids lives, no one else should have an excuse. She would cast a sideways glance in his direction, a single audit swiveling in his direction.