


03-29-2014, 03:13 AM
Name: Saigai-Sai for short.
Gender: Male
Design: 2
Appearance: Sporting a pelt of pitch black ivory, Sai is a blender of the shadows. He can easily shift positions to blend perfectly within the shadows of his surroundings, no hint nor detail that he is there save for his eyes which are a bright contrast to the darkness. Within his skull lie a pair of deep amber orbs, a pair that are always full of intensity when staring into them. It is usually very hard to discern what the male is thinking, for even as a child, he contains the stare of an intense being, always watching. It's as if he is burning a hole through your very soul, and seldom does he seem to blink. Many compare the intensity of his gaze to that of a great horned owl or a hawk, for his features are also sharp yet majestic upon movement. There is one thing that adds to his features, highlighting his striking amber eyes is a set of single lined strikes just under each eye, accenting his looks further. He carries the look of ferocious intensity, however, do not judge a book by it's cover.

The male upon full growth, will stand to be 36" in height, and his weight will match an evenness to his stature. He will not be heavily bodied, but more athletic and slim. Able to slip between the trees and smaller gaps that most would have trouble fitting into. This, will aid him in slipping around opponents among the shadows, for in the future, it will be a place he loves to be.
Sai will be a peculiar pup, for even at a young age he will be eerily quiet. One would think he was mute, however, that is not the case. He chooses to watch and observe those around him, identifying personalities, weaknesses, strengths, and faults. It is a treat to hear him speak, for when he does, his words are a mystery. One never knows what he might say next, however, he never speaks the same way twice. He may speak in riddles and rhymes, curtly, with dark intentions, charm, innocence, deviance, a foul mouth beyond any have ever heard, or like a priest giving a sermon. You never know. His personality may switch like the flip of a switch, just as easily as his manner of speaking might. At times, he may seem the sweet and innocent type, ready to help the damsel in distress without payment, and other times he may feel like collecting some kind of reward for the debt. He is kind to his mother, however, for she did birth him after all. And to her he will always be sweet, yet in the eyes of others he could be a cynical and selfish creature, ready to strike trouble wherever he walks. He cares not for the feelings of others(except for his mother of course) and may also at times tease and taunt his own siblings. It is unknown why he acts in such a manner, it could be due to his psychological issues or perhaps something is just wrong with him. Occasionally, he will have an outburst of anger and violence, as if his vision turns red and all he can think about is fighting and tasting blood. There may be ways to quell this part of him, however, what it may be is currently unknown. One may want to watch out when he turns an episode, for he can fall into unpredictability, and cause severe harm without realization. Once he pulls out, however, he will have no recollection of ever doing it...(In a similar manner, it will be like the Hulk.)