
Imprisoned Within



2 Years
03-29-2014, 12:31 PM

There! The final branch landed with a contented thud and Drashiel stood back to admire his work. He'd dug himself a new and larger den to incorporate his growing size and to also fortify it against the coming winter. Grinning he licked his lips and took off to find a drink and relax for a bit before he made the final decision as to whether he'd head to the battlefield or not. He'd been craving more spars since his taste with Kyarst and it was clear he needed more practice.

As he walked the wind shifted and Drashiel froze as he caught the scent of Rin and S'alkrie and a third scent he did not recognize. Lips curled back in a snarl as he raced toward the gathering in time to find his fellow youngsters with a strange rogue. Hair and hackles rose as his tail streamed out behind him, ears pinned to his head. Drashiel moved next to S'alkrie, his weight distributed evenly across his limbs. "If you are not here on business then leave." His jaw was parted, brows furrowed and lips pulled back as his limbs coiled and tensed. Isardis was fond of maiming trespassers.

Had Drashiel been fully trained he'd rip something off this brute himself but for now he knew the odds were iffy. Two pups vs a full grown wolf? He didn't even bother counting Rin. The other male was taller than Drashiel but far lighter and the laziest creature in all of Glaciem in Drashiels opinion. He joined neither the training or the pack meeting. Pfft! The ice-eyed whelp had some idea about respect being freely given. In Drashiel's opinion if any of Isardis' pups wanted his attention they had to work for it, to train for it, to earn it. The idea of getting everything handed to you for free? Nonsense. He had no idea if Rincavornon would side with Glaciem or with this random rogue just to spite then and those were not odds he liked.
