
Imprisoned Within


03-29-2014, 01:13 PM

The overwhelming stench of the unwanted caused the mistresses nostrils to quiver in disgust. There seemed to be an intruder within Glaciem, and so she would promptly remove him from her home as she had been instructed to do. She would rise from her restless paws, her slender legs unfolding beneath her as she stood to her full height, her head tossing over her shoulder as she peered into the forest and toward the direction his musk was impending from. She would pivot her entire body and would waste no time making her way toward the borders, her lips creased into a displeased sneer as she weaved through the towering pines. She could only imagine what idiot had crossed the borders, didn't the rouges know that Glaciem was not a pack to tinker with? Her pace would greatly pick up as she drew closer and a snarl would emerge from her pressed lips, provoked by the aroma of pups mixing in with strangers musk. If he were tormenting any of Glaciem's children he would have more than just her to fear.

Three children came into her vision as she burst onto the scene, her lips creased into a snarl as she hastily moved herself in front of the children, creating a physical barrier between them and the rogue. Her defenses would effortlessly fall into place as her frigid eyes bore into the strangers, her brow furrowing as a growl bubbled from deep within her core. She would not pay any attention to the children yet, not until they were completely out of harms way. "One who knowingly trespasses into Glaciem must have a death wish, no? She would inguire, her tones laced with venom as she stared at him with a lethal glare. Should he chose to torment them any longer she would maim him until he was a useless being, and he would writhe helplessly beneath her, begging for mercy. Maiming your enemies had always worked for Isardis, so perhaps he would be proud if she maimed this criminal for his sins?
